Producers’ note: At the time this forum was recorded, a formal impeachment inquiry had just begun, with President Donald Trump saying he would not cooperate with the inquiry and ordering his staff not to comply with subpoenas.
In the months after this forum, the House voted to impeach Trump on the articles of impeachment – abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The Republican majority Senate, however, acquitted Trump on a majority partisan vote – except for Republican Sen. Mitch Romney’s ‘guilty’ vote – in a sham trial without allowing any witnesses or documentary evidence to be presented.
The Democratic House managers expressed concerns that if Trump were acquitted, he would continue the same abuses of power, perceiving an acquittal as a green light to continue in the same vein – as a president above the law.
And indeed, Trump has begun retaliations not only against current and former government witnesses who testified at the House hearings — against his orders – ousting or transferring some and in other cases, threatening criminal investigations. With his complicit cronies in the Senate and Attorney General William Barr, Trump has begun an ominous consolidation of other institutions of democracy, the law enforcement and intelligence agencies under his power.
The concerns expressed in this forum appear remarkably prescient. Trump and the Republican party’s march toward fascism have indeed accelerated. Corporate media pundits are only now expressing concerns that democracy is under threat and that Americans today are indeed living in dangerous times.
Two scholars discussed the underpinnings of the fascist threat in America today.
Between The Lines Radio Newsmagazine is sponsoring a public forum with:
• Jason Stanley, Yale professor of philosophy and author of “How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them”
• Christopher Vials, director of American Studies at University of Connecticut and author of “Haunted by Hitler: Liberals, the Left and the Fight Against Fascism in the United States”
SATURDAY, OCT. 19, 2019, 12:30-3:30 p.m.
Parish House of the United Church on the Green
323 Temple St., New Haven, CT
• “How Fascism Works review: a vital read for a nation under Trump,” The Guardian (UK)
• “How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them,” book review by New York Journal of Books
• “How Fascism Works,” Jason Stanley, Yale professor discusses his new book, “How Fascism Works — the Politics of Us and Them,” Resistance Radio, WPKN, April 19, 2019
• “The Campus Antifascist Network is Winning the Fight Against Fascism at Universities,” essay co-written by Chris Vials, Los Angeles Review of Books, Feb. 10, 2018
• CNN New Day interview with Jason Stanley on “propaganda” during the impeachment inquiry
Video of the event
Question and answer forum
Event promotional materials
4-up postcards
Audio PSA
Press release
Press release on democracy and truth
Book Review