This Week’s Under-reported News Summary – March 20, 2024

Compiled by Bob Nixon

  • India enacts law seen as ‘discriminatory’ to Muslims
  • Four US banks have dropped the Equator Principles
  • UnitedHealth exploits an ‘emergency’ it created

Weeks before India’s next national election begins on April 19th, Prime Minister Narendra Modi implemented the strongly criticized “Citizenship Amendment Act” (or CAA) which accords citizenship rights to religious minorities from surrounding Muslim nations like Pakistan and Afghanistan. It does not, however, protect Muslim minorities facing persecution.  This is the first time India will use religion as a litmus test for becoming an Indian citizen.

(“India Enacts Citizenship Law Criticized as Discriminatory to Muslims,” Guardian, March 12, 2024; “India’s New Citizenship Law Excludes Muslims, Why?” Associated Press, March 12, 2024)

Four of America’s giant Wall Street Banks: JP Morgan-Chase, Bank of America, Citibank, and Wells Fargo have abandoned the “Equator Principles,” developed over 20 years ago, that set minimal industry standards and safeguards for financial institutions to address environmental and social risks in countries where they finance fossil fuel and mining projects.

(“US Banks Abandon Bare Minimum Environmental Standard Project,” Guardian, March 5, 2024)

Weeks into a healthcare crisis caused by a major security breach of a division of United Health Care, that processes 15 billion insurance claims a year, medical practices are struggling to keep afloat.  A ransomware attack on the computer system used by United Health’s Change Healthcare clearinghouse and claims processing center, halted the flow of information that enables physicians, hospitals, and other health care providers to get paid for their work.

(“United Healthcare Exploited an Emergency It Created,” American Prospect, March 10, 2024; “With Cyberattack Fix Weeks Away, Health Providers Slam United,” New York Times, March 8, 2024)

This week’s News Summary was narrated by Anna Manzo.

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