Let's remember, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs are NOT about quotas where hiring requirements must have a certain percentage of staff from "unqualified minority groups." That's simply a lie.
"Even as far and as radical as he is being, (Trump's) not saying there’s not a problem with inequality. He’s just saying these remedies are bad. We shouldn’t look at these remedies.
So we should reground people. Do we care about equality? Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, he talked about we are dedicated to the proposition that all are created equal.
Are we still so dedicated? And I would start the dinner conversations — the neighbors, the friends conversations with that, there’s profound inequality. Do we still care? And are we going to do anything about it. And then we can talk about what’s the particular remedy. And so it remains the case that most people of color do see a lot of the racism that’s out there and want this to be a multi-racial democracy.
A lot of the conversation is a lot of whites want this to be a multiracial democracy. And that’s still the majority of people. But to the extent that the fight is not engaged and called out and people summoned to their highest and best selves, then we will continue to erode the votes, the margins that we have had." --Steven Phillips, host of the Democracy in Color podcast and best-selling author of "How We Win the Civil War: Securing a Multiracial Democracy and Ending White Supremacy for Good.”